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500 Mile Challenge

November is a hard month to keep people motivated, the nights are dark quickly, its getting colder and people just want to be home in their jammies! However keeping yourself out and getting that run in really does help your whole self wellbeing, keeping that mind clear and in my case keeping me away from the every increasing Christmas goodies that are appearing in the shops!

So we have 4 teams S.W.A.T.T, Easier said than run, Sole Sisters and Scrambled Legs.......their mission to reach 500 miles in their teams throughout the month of November! Well how I underestimated these ladies, first week in and already they are knocking out crazy totals! Its great to see a group of ladies working together, some of them never actually having met yet because of our Covid restrictions, it really is fabulous!

We have opened our waiting list for our Couch to 5K in January so if you would like to join this ever growing fantastic group of woman then fill out the register with us form in the dropdown under membership and I will be in touch!!

Easier said than run took the lead this week..........but can they remain on top!!

Next week I will introduce you to the some of the ladies who help make this group a success xx

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