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Jiggly Joggers

Which group for you?

If this is your first time or you are returning after a period of inactivity well you have found the right group for you. Firstly please put any anxieties aside and be assured that we are a group of women simply doing our best and your best is always good enough.

Have a read through what we offer then click on the link to register with us, once you have done that you will be directed to the membership fee page where you can become a member then book into your sessions via the schedule!

Any questions do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact form.


Couch to 5K

This is our complete beginners programme and the only time we take beginners. We aim for every woman who comes to us to have success in their journey therefore we make it an achievable goal for all.

The Couch to 5K relies on 3 runs per week. There will be 2 sessions available to you and you will have to do 1 as a homework run, this can be done on your own or we have a buddy up group where you can find someone to do it with. I would recommend doing as many with the group as you can as its proven to be more successful. Everyone’s circumstances are different though and we respect that. Groups runs will be a Monday 6pm and Wednesday 6.45pm at Shettleston!

Click here to register!

Walking Group

New for 2023 we are adding sessions to our walking group. We have seen the positive impact being out with the group has on our girls but also know that jogging isn't for everyone. Adding in more walking sessions will allow us to be more inclusive and you can are welcome as often or as little as you like.

Sessions will be Monday and Wednesday 6pm leaving from Tesco Shettleston.

Click here to register!


5K Mixed Ability

We are a social running group so we will always have a 5K Mixed Ability session available to you.

Group times and locations can be found here!

Our ethos is very much the promotion of running together regardless of speed and/or ability, the groups will start and finish together and we use regrouping to help us achieve that.

As part of our commitment to being a Menopause friendly group we actively encourage conversation on a run as well as offering a monthly walk and talk group, sometimes the talking is easier without the running!

If you are already jogging/running 5K then you can join us at any time.

Click here to register!

10K and Half Marathon Training

Once you are confident in your 5K and are running regularly with us you can opt to challenge yourself by increasing your distance. We offer 10K and Half Marathon training support through mentoring.

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