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Meet the Girls 💞

Another inspiring lady who joined us during Covid last year 💞💞

Hi everyone. I'm Clare and I'm a DHT in a huge primary school (900 +). I'm 57 years old and grew up in Colston (tin town). I live in Bishopbriggs with my husband Graham and ourWestie Doris (Daysy) who is in remission from cancer. Our daughter Rachel is almost 21 and studies jazz tenor sax at the Conservatoire. That's originally how I met Elaine; she tutored in my school and Rachel was in the EDC bands. I kept up with Elaine on Fbook and followed her amazing journey. I used to run many years ago and stopped after having Rachel and then a bad miscarriage. I've always been an anxious person. I hide it by rabbiting on like a budgie. Sorry. My mental health was not so good during the last lockdown and I needed to do something about it. So, I grew some veg, learned how to quilt. and most importantly joined the Jigglies in September and am loving it. An amazing and inspiring team of women that I'm really proud to be part of.

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