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Writer's pictureJiggly Joggers

Meet the Member 💞

Up next it’s the lovely Jac…

Hi everyone, I'm Jac, I'm 48 and I live in Garthamlock with my husband, 6 year old son, 2 dogs and 2 cats (don't ask...) I started C25K at the start of first lock down really as an excuse to get out of the house for a bit by myself. Anyway, I got the bug, finished C25k and kept running regularly. Then in July I decided to try and find a club to join and after checking our jigglies on Facebook I reached out to Elaine and the rest is history. I signed up to do the 10k training in January but with working full time from home and home schooling I just couldn't commit and for a few weeks running took a back seat. I soon realised how much the time I spend pavement plodding helped keep me sane so I booked in for some 5k runs and I loved being back. I'm not fast, in fact I'm usually one of the last back, but this group has taught me not to care about that and to run for yourself. I'm now about to start week 6 of Half Marathon training. Still can't quite believe I'm doing it but with Jigglies, anything is possible.x

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